Weekend - Bull Riding
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As many of you know, I try to think outside of the box and create landscapes that are unique and specific for each of our clients. This idea of not staying with things that I already know, led us to spend yesterday afternoon at the SNHU center in Manchester, NH watching professional bull riding. If you have never seen professional bull riding then I recommend going. The competition lasted just over two hours and it was terrific. The time went very quick and watching these athletes try to ride a bucking bull was fun. It was good entertainment for an afternoon after I spent the night plowing.

If you are interested in changing over your landscape in 2020 this is the time of the year for us to start designing and planning your new landscape. Please feel free to stop by our office on Route One (111 Newburyport Turnpike) in Rowley or call us at 978.948.2900 to schedule an appointment.

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