Cobblestone Like Walkway in Salem, MA
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This Salem, MA family wanted a walkway into their backyard and to connect their main entrance of their house to their driveway. This family selected Unilock’s Courtstone pavers in a blend of two colors. The cobblestone like feel to these pavers is perfect for a home in Salem. We were able to cut the pavers so that the curve at the end of the walkway is the exact same size as the curve in their trellis. This was important to this family as they wanted the end of the pavers to be perfectly aligned with the trellis.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes LLC can helpyou get a patio, walkway, paver driveway or retaining walls that you wantplease stop by our office at 111 Newburyport Turnpike {Route One} in Rowley, MAor call us at 978.948.2900. While you are at our Office, please look at all ofthe samples that we have on display. Our display includes 10 parking spacesthat reflect potential paver patterns and styles, we have an outdoor kitchenthat includes several samples of exterior grade porcelain tiles as well asother Unilock pavers.

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