Monthly Weeding and Garden Bed Maintenance
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We provide garden bed maintenance for many families in the Ipswich, Rowley and Newburyport areas. This service is performed on a monthly basis where we will focus on weeding and pruning. There are some months when we perform more pruning hours while other months may be more focused on weeding. The plan is determined by our conversations as we tailor our work to meet your goals and make sure that you smile when you come home as the plants look better than you expected.
This is a picture of the hillside in front of our own building after we performed extensive weeding. This area was not a focal point for us, so we did not perform any weeding in this garden bed over the last few months. Despite the recent lack of attention, we were able to bring the area back to being something that looks great.

For information about how Artistic Landscapes can help youwith your landscaping needs including redesigning garden bed areas, pruning ormonthly garden bed maintenance, please stop by our office at 111 NewburyportTurnpike {Route One} in Rowley, MA or call us at 978.948.2900.

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