Built-in grills
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Many of us are moving towards having a built-in grill. With that, I will share three key factors on what to consider in a grill. First, is the size of the grill. I caution you from getting too big of a grill because you might not need the largest grill available. There are many grills that I can not envision in a person's backyard but people want them because they may need the space someday. The bigger the grill the more gas it will require and the more space it will take up in your outdoor kitchen.
Second, the quality of the grill is largely dependent on the quality of the stainless steel. 304 stainless steel is the most common. 316 stainless steel is marine grade and will last longer. The chemical composition between 304 and 316 is very different. We normally install grills with 304 stainless steel. We recommend only using 316 grade stainless steel if your grill is exposed to ocean winds.
Third, the brand of the grill. The three main brands of grills that we install are: Kalamazoo, Napoleon and Lynx.
The Kalamazoo hybrid fire grill {K750} is made from 304 stainless steel, has 726 square inches of cooking area and costs $17,995. This grill can cook as a traditional gas grill or a charcoal grill or a smoker. It is very easy to use and it is compact.
The Napoleon built-in Presige Pro 500 is also made from 304 stainless steel and has 760 square inches (500 primary) of cooking area and costs $1,800. This grill has an infrared rear burner that can get up to 1800 degrees in a minute.
The Lynx 36" Professional built in grill with 1 Trident Infrared Burner and 2 ceramic burners (L36TR) has 935 square inches (640 primary) of cooking area and costs $6,000
If you have questions about a built-in grill or outdoor kitchens, please feel free to call us at 978.948.2900. We look forward to listening to your goals and making them come to life.
Artistic Landscapes LLC is ready to help you start planning your landscaping updates or transformation. We recommend calling or emailing us months before you want the finished project as we are often scheduling 3 - 4 months out. Please call (978) 948-2900 or email us at Tony@Artistic-Landscapes.com to get the planning phase started. We are able to design your yard even if there is snow and ice on the ground but we do not have much time to work on designs in April & May as we are working on the projects that we designed over the winter.

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