How to determine where the front walkway should be located
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This Georgetown family wanted a new walkway that would connect their driveway to the front door. They have found over the years that people walk on the lawn since many of the stepping stones were partially covered by overgrown grass. Although they knew that they wanted the walkway and they knew the pavers that they wanted to use, they did not know where to have the walkway meet the driveway. We helped them by drawing out the walkway with the location of the steps beforehand so that they could look at it and determine if the location felt right. After we painted the walkway lines, we moved the walkway a couple of feet further away from the house and made a larger welcoming beginning to the walkway.

For more information about how Artistic Landscapes can help you with steps or a walkway, please stop by our offices on Route One (111 Newburyport Turnpike) in Rowley or call us at 978.948.2900.

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